Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happy birthday

After a long wait, today is the official pub date for IF YOU FOLLOW ME.  Max looks to be enjoying the novel (hey, he can recognize the letters M, A and X), or maybe it was the promise of the celebratory trip to Tartine bakery that he was looking forward to, the "warm chocolate" and whipped cream.  In any case, a happy day for us all, especially following this review in the Boston Globe yesterday:




Lauren said...


ps. I cannot believe how grownup he looks!!

I'm back in the city so if you ever want to get coffee I'll be up for it. :)

Mackenzie Cooper said...

Yay, congrats! I keep checking my doorstop for the Amazon delivery...

Nick Syrett said...

That is a fantastic review! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

"...crackles with atmospheric detail..."

Love it. Can't wait to read it.